Monday, July 6, 2009

My Daughter and family came home or should I say back to NY for 10 days and I saw them all MAYBE an hour and a half. Their friends saw them for days. I was the 1 they thought of only to babysit their dog. She how much I'm loved and valued! When I say I don't want to go back with them they think I'm betraying them, because they don't want to spend time with me, they just want me to do something for them. Deep down they know this is true. When I need help no one is there but when they need help, I'm the first 1 they call. When I saw they, I mean all of my kids. They have their own lives now and I'm not in it anymore,unless they want something.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Had most of my children for Easter 2009, meal was OK, not everything turned out right(food anyways). My kids didn't even fight, which I was very thankful for, just that alone made my day. Now if I didn't hear any complaining about 1 of them by the others, the day would have been perfect. I hear that way too much. But I love them all. It also did my heart good to see my Grand-daughters all together and happy to be with each other. Once I figure out this blog, I will be adding their pictures.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I love watching the series "The Closer" they just had the premier on the show and I saw maybe 3 or 4 new shows? Now they are showing reruns, the new shows don't start again until June? How long is a season? Whats up with that? !!!
My cable bill is alot of money. So I ask myself, why am I paying for paid commericals? They are on every channel and last for hours. Why am I forced to pay for them? Many will say without commericals you can't have TV programs, yada yada, Get rid of the paid commericals and put reruns on instead.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why is it when a woman goes to a garage, the men ASSUME all women don't know what they are talking about. I know there are many that don't, I'm just saying don't put ALL women that group.Don't put me or my Daughters in that group, we had a good man teach us a lot of auto mechanics.
Why is it when your on Social Security Disability, there's many necessities, one needs to survive, but an old man get get Viagra, with his SS plan. I can't get dentures, which I'm sure many people will need the when they get to my age or older.I can't get prescription help, because I allow my Mother to live with me. Maybe I should become an illegal immigrants, then I can have everything free. NOT FAIR..But by all means let the men get ERECTIONS with their Medicare. I need many medical things done for me but don't have the money to pay what SS won't. Here are my choices, pay my bills(rent/gas/electric) Food/ animal care, food,litter,vet bills, Cable or pay for my dentures, neck surgery, new glasses or have my back pain looked at again? So far I have chosen bills.

Friday, March 27, 2009

If it's against the law to talk on your cell phone while driving, why is it the police can do it and break the law but we can't?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Right now I live my life for my Grand-Daughters.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I hate buying fast food and the food doesn't look like the picture they advertise it to look. Isn't that false advertising? Hmmmmmm.